Default configuration files

The Oz... applications all read a config file called Default when starting up. The supplied Default files contain examples of all possible keywords. They also contain detailed notes (at the end of each file) discussing how the important parameters are used and other handy tips. Please read these notes before making changes to a Default file. After loading a Default file, each application will also load any files in the config_files list whose names start with ``+''. So, rather than modify the Default file, you could create a new config file called ``+Changes'' which contains all your changes to the default settings. (You still need to edit the Default file to add ``+Changes'' to the config_files list!) This might make life easier when upgrading to future versions of . Another good idea when modifying a Default config file is to isolate your changes in the one spot. Because later use of a keyword overrides an earlier use, the best location for all your changes is just before the ``!'' character at the start of the notes.